Say Yes! to new adventures
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
1350 Paso del Pueblo Sur
Who can attend
The next public TENT meeting will be held at the Taos Bridge Club, 1350 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, on Monday, March 4, 3:00 pm (doors open at 2:30 pm). Free.
Marcia B. Winter, an art history major who descended from one of Taos’ original art colonists, started working as a travel agent in the 1970s when agents were still writing airline tickets by hand. Later, Taos Travel Ltd. adapted to the arrival of the Internet when travelers had the opportunity to book their own trips, and survived.
Marcia Winter, consummate travel consultant and long-time owner of Taos Travel, Ltd, will tell us to "Say Yes to New Adventures".
She will advise us on the benefits of traveling solo, with our grandchildren, a handicapped friend, or in a group. Do you want to learn Urdu, Swahili or Python? Do you prefer to bike, snorkel, or relax on the beach? Visit Burma, Bumpliz or Berchtesgaden? Eat creole jambalaya, artichokes vinaigrettes, or Salzburg Nockerl? Drink Saki in Yokohama, Ouzo in Bodrum, or Kirsch in Appenzell? Listen to Wagner in Bayreuth, Haydn at the Esterhazy Estate in Hungary, or jazz at the Preservation Hall in New Orleans? Participate in an archaeological dig in Alaska, cooking class in Siena, or yoga retreat in Hawaii? Marcia will try to answer these and many more questions.
Join us for this informative and enjoyable talk, take our travel quiz, and enjoy some international refreshments.
Welcome! Bienvenue! Willkommen! Benvenuto! Bienvenido!